Dust Jacket - More Greek Myths

"Dust Jacket - More Greek Myths"

Warm up the ol’ flux capacitor and go back ten to fifteen years. To a time when bands like the Anniversary, Texas Is the Reason, Mineral, and so many more were still creating enjoyable emo. Yeah, I said it, what! I am, of course, referring to a time before it transitioned into the nauseating standard of bands like Cute Is What We Aim For, that the word has now, unfortunately, become so synonymous with. By the way, your girlfriend’s pants look great on you guys, or good enough to get a record deal I guess…and some people still claim music isn’t all about image. Anyways, there was a time when listening to emo wasn’t as embarrassing to admit aloud as today. Okay, maybe there wasn’t, but at least we didn’t have to hide it under pseudonym indie. The main thing I enjoy about Dust Jacket is that they seem to capture the feel of one of those great emo bands from the past, not only with their music and lyrics, but also the sound of their recording itself.

As a whole More Greek Myths is a pretty solid album. Though I really enjoyed it, I did find myself skipping from track to track quite a bit upon listening to the record the third or fourth time. That’s not to say this album isn’t worth listening to all the way through, because we can assure you it is. Like with any record, some tracks are just better than others, as far as our ears are concerned. Most notably track seven, “Caroline Meeber”. This is easily the best song on this record, although “Lower Case” with its Elliott Smith-ish guitar intro, and “The Ballerina and The Bombardier” comes pretty close. “Caroline Meeber” is the one track on the record that you will most likely need to put on repeat a few times before it really sinks in. I could sit and write about this song, give you all the details and my opinion, but I think it as well as the rest of the album is worth taking the time to listen to for yourself. You can hear “Caroline Meeber” along with some other great songs from their previous releases on their MySpace. Unfortunately and fortunately it looks like if you want to get your hands on a copy of More Greek Myths you’ll have to catch the band live. Though I suppose you could also try getting a hold of them on their MySpace.

More info:
Dust Jacket MySpace


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